Grecia and its many wonderful features
Grecia is an interesting city - it is small enough to find everything you need, and then some. A suprise in the market is Sophie from Taiwan, who has a completely vegetarian Chinese mini restaurant in the cetnral market. The "tacos" which we know as egg rolls are to die for. Lunch in the market was always a tough choice between seafood or ceviche and Sophie's yummy goodies.
I came to Grecia for the dentista, Doctora Irina, who is very nice, very competent, and speaks very good English. She has her office painted green, and a little viviero, (garden) facing the chair to help her patients to relax. She did three cavities, two reconstructions and got me a prosthetic where I am missing a tooth. I can't afford dental care in the US, especially without insurance, but here, it is about 1/5th of the cost.
While in Grecia, I stayed with a woman my age named Olga, who has a fruit stand int he central market. She works it with the help of her cousin Felipe, and two others. She sells many very good fruits, some of which I have never tried before. Pictured here are pejibaye (pronounce: pay he bye yay) which is something that grows on a palm tree, and tastes like a cross between a slightly salty, dry sweet potato and water chestnut. Ticos love them with mayonaise. I just like them. The thing that looks like a potato is a sapote, which is bright orange inside, with a pit like an avocado. Has a sweet and slightly tart flavor. Probably need to eat a few of them to really become a fan.
Sounds cool
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