Thursday, May 11, 2006

More Orchids

When I was in the internet café one day, Melania, the sister of Adrian, who I met by starting to teach her to read music, and her boyfriend Alfonso, invited me to visit Alfonso’s collection of orchids in Palomo, the small town across the river. He has a collection of over 500 orchids, including many rare ones and miniatures. While I was there, many were in bloom. It was really difficult to photograph the miniatures, some of which measure only ¼ of an inch. He sent me home with a lovely one in bloom. Now if I could only identify most of them! I have two books of orchids of Costa Rica, but it doesn’t cover the ones grown here that are from Guatemala, Brazil, Nicaragua, etc.
Many more photos of his and of the Cartago Orchid Exposition are out on the new flores page:


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