Thursday, December 08, 2005

an orgy of orchids

A viviero is a place where tropical plants, especially orchids are raised and coddled. Almost every town has at least one. Last Saturday a new friend Ray a former nurse from Tennesee who has opened the Orosi Lodge Bed & Breakfast, (which has lovely gardens and a killer view) took me to the Saturday maket at Paraiso and a viviero which also doubles as a goat dairy and animal rescue place. OK, make that "triples". After buying some goat cheese (mine is still better!), petting the goats, and seeing the coatimundis, orphaned dogs and other critters, I had another religious experience with all the orchids. Many of them are not native to Costa Rica (meaning, they are not found in the wild) but still gorgeous, and many of them were happy to pose for portraits.


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